For positive impacts, tourism can increase employment rate in Africa as more African can go to the outside world to work. Also, new business will be created such as selling of merchandises and country tour. This would help to improve the living standards of the Masai as they have more incomes. Additional, accessibility will be improved as a result of transport infrastructure by upgrading of roads which will benefits both locals and residents.
Also, when more tourists come in to Masai, they will interract with each other and this would promote cultural exchange and improve understanding of different communities.
Also, when more tourists come in to Masai, they will interract with each other and this would promote cultural exchange and improve understanding of different communities.
There are many problems arising due to the influx of tourists.
Firstly, the ecological system has been destructed. Due to the rise in tourists arrivals, there will be increased in deforestation, pollution and disruption of the environment. For example, trees have to cut down because of demand of firewood.
Secondly, tourists with their vehicles may destroy the grasslands and affecting the animals and plants.
Thirdly, destruction on landscapes may occur in order to make way to build hotels for the tourists. Then, hotels built for the tourists may cause pollution such as sewage and pollution in the area. There may be destruction of properties by wildlife.
Lastly, there may be competition of resources such as water, land and energy.

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